Category: Children
Backpack Blessing for the Sahrawi Children
When I learned that many of the Sahrawi children who return from the refugee camps do not go to school, I asked, “Why?” I learned that the main reason is because their families do not have the money to purchase the school supplies and the workbooks that the child needs…
Playgrounds for Children at Risk
Children need a safe and friendly place to play. Often children are affected by war, violence and unsafe surroundings and have no safe place to go. Wholesome play is vital to children in their formative years. Teach the Children is committed to providing children with a place to go where…
Teach The Children International
Teach the Children works with children at risk with the express purpose of implementing programs that will enhance the quality of life for these children. By providing humanitarian aid, medical assistance, educational opportunities, as well as social, spiritual and economic programs for children and their families. Teach the Children International…